WhatsUpGold Blogs

Why You Should Join the WhatsUp Gold Customer Validation Program (CVP)

Jason Alberino | Posted on | Monitoring

How do I know?

The WhatsUp Gold Customer Validation Program (CVP) is an incredible way for you to have a say in the future of WhatsUp Gold. But before I get into the details, I want to explain why my opinion is worth listening to. I was a WhatsUp Gold customer for ten years before being recruited through the WhatsUp Gold community forums. Over the past 8 years, I’ve worked as a presales engineer and delivered professional services to over 900 different customers, each with unique environments, requirements, and goals. Now I’m on the Product team for WhatsUp Gold and one of my goals is to encourage customers to join the CVP. Having been on both sides of the software developer/user relationship, I’ve got a unique viewpoint to share about this opportunity. So, why should you join, and what benefits do you get? Let me tell you.

Tell Development what you think

I wish I’d had a more direct line to development when I was a customer! The CVP provides a fantastic opportunity for both customers and Progress itself. You can see what our Development team is working on and give feedback before each release. Your feedback will allow us to build software that addresses your specific needs, aligns with your future goals, and meets your expectations.

Have a say in what's next

Every software developer is always looking toward the future. Progress is no different, and we want to ensure that we meet our existing customers’ requirements while still attracting new ones. Once again, your feedback is vital to our success in building solutions that align with what you truly need. This translates to you getting to help set the product direction, priorities for enhancements, and more.

Get technical with developers

Virtual open houses will provide you with opportunities to provide feedback and get information from our Development team. These will include live technical talks about new features, recorded demonstrations from active development, and more.

Get sneak previews

You want to know what we’re planning, and I am a firm believer in being as transparent as possible. The CVP allows us to share much more than we ever could publicly since it requires signing a non-disclosure agreement, allowing us to be transparent and show you what the general public won’t see for months!

Better than beta

We used to cherry-pick customers for beta tests or pre-releases, but that’s no longer the case. If you’re a member of the CVP, you will always have access to early software releases and can provide your valuable feedback before release.

Everything else

The CVP is just getting started and there are a ton of additional things we’re working on that will benefit members. Developers will be asking for your feedback here with specific questions. They may share design specs, architectural diagrams, UI mockups, etc. We plan to use surveys to help gauge the importance of solutions to specific features so that always you’ll have your finger on the pulse of WhatsUp Gold product development and a voice in where that development leads.

So, take advantage of this opportunity to make your voice heard. You can go here for more information about the program or click on the link below to sign up directly.

Interested in joining the WUG CVP? Here's how:

  1. Register or Log in to the Customer Community
  2. Go to whatsupgold.com/cvp
  3. Click the "Ask to Join" button

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