WhatsUpGold Blogs

WUG Ninja: How to Integrate WhatsUpGold with Google Maps

WhatsUp Gold Team | Posted on | Monitoring

As Isocrates once said, “It’s important to know where you’re going than to get there quickly.” If you’d like to integrate WhatsUpGold network reporting software with Google Maps, here’s how you get there. And it hopefully shouldn’t take you long to do it.

But before you start, I want to note that the code was originally written by someone else (who I would credit if I knew the name). I worked off that original and made a new one which could show devices.

I then further looked into the Google Maps API and found a useful function someone had made, “markerwithlabel.js.”

I cannot take credit for that, either, so please send thanks to Gary Little for markerwithlabel.js.

markerwithlabel.js is freely and publicly available here.

[For reference, this post originally appeared on my WUG.ninja blog where I have several others that will help you do things with WhatsUp Gold you may not have known were possible.]

Here’s How to Integrate WhatsUpGold with Google Maps

Copy the code found on the original post on my own blog, paste to a file, and save as either GoogleMaps_Devices.asp or GoogleMaps_Groups.asp [depending on which code you copied] to <Your install directory>IpswitchWhatsUpHTMLNmConsoleDeviceManagementDeviceList

Copy labelwithmarker.js to same directory

Make a dashboard with this information:

--> Columns: 1
--> Width: Max supported by monitor (1280 for example)
--> Add Content: Free Form Text/HTML report

Menu -> Configure on the Free Form Text/HTML report

For device dashboard, copy and paste this:

<center><iframe src="/NmConsole/DeviceManagement/DeviceList/GoogleMaps_Devices.asp" style="border:0px #FFFFFF none;" name="dash_frame" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="700px" width="100%"></iframe></center>

For the group dashboard, copy and paste this:

<center><iframe src="/NmConsole/DeviceManagement/DeviceList/GoogleMaps_Groups.asp" style="border:0px #FFFFFF none;" name="dash_frame" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="700px" width="100%"></iframe></center>

To add devices to the devices map:

Add a device attribute to the device in WUG using the attribute name 'LatLong' with the value being x,y (Latitude,Longitude)

To add groups to the group map:

Right-click the group and select properties. Update the description with the value x,y (Latitude,Longitude)

I used this site to grab the latitude, longitude information:


What's a "WUG"?

In case you are not aware, the “WUG” in “WUG Ninja” stands for “WhatsUpGold”. WUG has been somewhat of a nickname used by longtime customers.

If you hit any snags, leave me a comment here and I’ll respond as soon as I can.

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