Network Management

EMA: "Network Management: Still a ‘Must-Have’ for Enterprise IT"

Today I'd like to share an excerpt and link to today's blog about network management posted by Jim Frey from Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) . It's a great lead-in to his firm's recent report on Enterprise Network Availability Monitoring Systems (ENAMS). From Jim's post:

"It’s sometimes difficult to differentiate between hype and reality when it comes to topics such as cloud, ITaaS, SDN, DevOps, hybrid this and hybrid that. But there are a few certainties in the IT universe and one of them is that IT doesn’t function if all of the pieces can’t talk to one another, and that means the network needs to be rock solid. Some of that is under the control of enterprise IT teams as internal network infrastructure, but some of it isn’t, such as WAN or Internet. Because connectivity is so essential, no one questions the need for making sure the network is healthy and operational at all times, and that its role is assured in the grand scheme of IT.

This is where Enterprise Network Availability Monitoring Systems (ENAMS) come into play. ENAMS are software products that are used by network operators and managers to keep a constant watch over their networks."  (Click here to read the rest of Jim's post about network management).

For a free copy of the EMA Radar for Enterprise Network Availability Monitoring System (ENAMS) Report featuring Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold, please click here.



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