Free Automatic Network Discovery
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Free Automatic Network Discovery

Find everything on your network, including elements you probably didn't know you had.


Network monitoring only works if the solution knows what is on the network. This begins with discovery, which identifies and locates network assets, and mapping, which shows how they
all fit together.

The Network Discovery tool finds your devices, servers, software, operating systems such as Windows, virtual systems, infrastructure and far-flung wireless devices and access points.

Key Features

Network Discovery

The WhatsUp Gold automatic network discovery tool leverages a combination of credentials you specify with an array of standards and protocols. These standards and protocols include but are not limited to SNMP, ARP, CDP, LLDP, SSH, and ICMP, along with vendor-specific APIs, such as AWS, Azure, Meraki, VMware, and Hyper-V. The network can be fully discovered using this combination of credentials, standards and protocols, providing complete port-to-port visibility into your environment.

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maya Angelou

application developer

Free Edition

Monitor 10 devices at no
cost and no obligation.

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with all features.