WhatsUp Gold delivers complete data center monitoring from a single console.
Data center virtualization offers a more flexible and dynamic data center environment for providing maximum availability and high performance for both data and applications. With the increased use of virtual machines, data centers no longer consist solely of hardware. Benefits of virtualization include improved hardware utilization, more efficient energy use, and lower equipment costs. Configuring traditional servers is a lengthy process and deployment may take days. The live migration of virtual machines enables you to quickly setup and deploy servers to meet network requirements.
Before considering data center virtualization, it’s necessary to decide what type services will be virtualized. Categories for virtualization include server, application, storage, desktop, and hardware. A virtual data environment that is poorly planned can be less reliable and increase rather than reduce energy costs.
The dynamic nature of data center virtualization presents new challenges for network management. You need a way to discover and document physical and virtualized resources, reduce virtual sprawl, and integrate alerts across your entire infrastructure. Consolidation of these and other management tasks gives you the ability to efficiently monitor, control, and manage your virtual as well as your physical network environment.
WhatsUp Gold delivers complete data center management from a single console allowing you to quickly isolate the root cause of problems from anywhere in your environment. With WhatsUp Gold you’ll have the ability to automatically discover, map, and document both your physical and virtualization resources. You’ll be able to actively monitor your virtual environment and control your virtual machines and virtual clusters.